Quality as an Opportunity

Quality is not only a means to an end or the properties of a product. Quality is used to set standards, meet standards and customer expectations. This creates trust, satisfaction and secures the company. But quality is much more than that. Quality is an attitude and conviction at the same time. With real quality you inspire people and exceed the expectations of the stakeholders.

Quality You Can Be Proud Of

"We must recognize, name and solve quality problems better. Since this can only happen successfully when networked, we have to improve problem solving in the network." - Benedikt Sommerhoff (DGQ)

With a view on 25 years of our own company development, we know that quality arises from the good cooperation between people and companies. Cooperation relies on effective communication between all parties involved. This applies in particular to the highly specialized, medium-sized industry in Germany. A deeply ramified network of value creation among these companies forms the backbone and also stands for the international success of German products. To ensure that, even in times of abrupt technological changes or an uncertain economic and political environment, we need answers to industry 4.0 and digitalization. 

As a quality manager, you know that quality doesn't just start in your own company and end at the company's borders. Take quality management to a whole new level: Network within your company as well as with all your customers and suppliers on the common platform for quality, the BabtecQube. The BabtecQube allows you, for example, to share general quality issues and specific tasks or actions with all internal colleagues and business partners. This enables you to quickly and easily find information and solutions so that quality problems do not arise in the first place and opportunities are immediately identified and utilized. This is the basis for excellent quality in the sense of customer benefits and stands for the quality promise "Made in Germany", even in the context of industry 4.0 and digitalization.

Our solutions give you a competitive edge:

Integration, connectivity and collaboration - the Element Q for better quality. Quality Is Transitioning Integration, connectivity and collaboration - the Element Q for better quality.