Qualification & Training Management

Companies are constantly evolving: Tasks change and new areas of responsibility emerge. Regularly updating the qualification statuses and skill levels of all employees while maintaining an overview of their skills and qualifications is very time-consuming. Fast and straightforward access to the desired entries and convenient handling of training activities are therefore invaluable – on a daily basis as well as during audits, as standards such as ISO 9001 in quality management require documents that must be provided at certain intervals to verify skills and effectiveness.

Icon Qualification & Training Management: Employee Qualifications
Employee Qualifications clearly documented
Icon Qualification & Training Management: Transparent Presentation
Transparent Presentation with the qualification matrix
Icon Qualification & Training Management: Plan, Manage and Follow up
Plan, Manage and Follow up internal and external training courses
Preview of the Qualification and Training Management in the QM software BabtecQ

Achieved Competencies at a Glance

Clear and Transparent

The software for Qualification & Training Management uses clear symbols in the qualification matrix to show you whether your employees have the required qualifications and notifies you if they need to be renewed soon. You are also informed transparently about the level of competence achieved in each case. All minimum skills that have to be attained to perform a certain activity can be combined into qualification profiles. If changes or updates are made in a qualification profile, they have a direct effect on all employees to whom this qualification profile is assigned. Should this result in a need for training, the integrated Training Management supports you in planning, managing and documenting internal and external training measures.

Features & Functions

Employee Profile
Qualification and Training Management in the QM Software BabtecQ: Employee Profile

Keep and Eye on Employee Qualifications

Which qualifications are required for each of your employees, can be easily managed using employee profiles. There you evaluate the current level of qualification / development that each of your employees possesses and document the current level of competence that the employee has attained. You are immediately informed if qualifications are due to expire or have not yet been issued with the proof that is needed to satisfy requirements. To ensure that your employees‘ data is secure and protected, you can create groups, which can be used to map out organizational structures such as departments and teams. This ensures that users can only access the profiles and data of persons that they are responsible for.

Qualification Profile

Establish and Manage Qualification Profiles

Employees take on specific roles to execute their tasks within the company, which are generally set down using job descriptions. To represent these within the Babtec software, all the competencies needed are recorded in qualification profiles. Each qualification and its relevant minimum competence level that must be attained to fulfill the requirements is contained there. If changes become necessary, you can make them centrally in the qualification profiles. are stored directly in the employee profiles concerned. This means that changes have a direct effect on all affected employee profiles, which can easily be kept up to date in this way.

Training Management
Qualification and Training Management in the QM Software BabtecQ: Training Management

Training Management for Qualified Employees

Training Management in BabtecQ allows you to plan, manage and document internal as well as external employee training courses. In addition to content and purpose, you can individually define which qualifications are to be attained through the training course, and at what level of proficiency. The effectiveness of the training courses and the qualifications that have been gained from them, together with the related documents, are stored in the participant’s employee profile and are thus fully traceable. Upon request, the software automatically generates a certificate that you can customize to fit the particular training course.

Potential Analysis

Identify and Use Potentials

You will also be well prepared to take on future or unplanned challenges, such as shortfalls in human resources: Using the potential analysis, you can search specifically for employees with certain qualifications. Search criteria can be customized based on qualifications and levels of proficiency. You will instantly receive live feedback on whether any employees fit the current search criteria, and if so, how many. You can save the search query so that you can use it again at a later point in time.

Employee Profile
Qualification Profile
Training Management
Potential Analysis

Keep and Eye on Employee Qualifications

Which qualifications are required for each of your employees, can be easily managed using employee profiles. There you evaluate the current level of qualification / development that each of your employees possesses and document the current level of competence that the employee has attained. You are immediately informed if qualifications are due to expire or have not yet been issued with the proof that is needed to satisfy requirements. To ensure that your employees‘ data is secure and protected, you can create groups, which can be used to map out organizational structures such as departments and teams. This ensures that users can only access the profiles and data of persons that they are responsible for.

Establish and Manage Qualification Profiles

Employees take on specific roles to execute their tasks within the company, which are generally set down using job descriptions. To represent these within the Babtec software, all the competencies needed are recorded in qualification profiles. Each qualification and its relevant minimum competence level that must be attained to fulfill the requirements is contained there. If changes become necessary, you can make them centrally in the qualification profiles. are stored directly in the employee profiles concerned. This means that changes have a direct effect on all affected employee profiles, which can easily be kept up to date in this way.

Training Management for Qualified Employees

Training Management in BabtecQ allows you to plan, manage and document internal as well as external employee training courses. In addition to content and purpose, you can individually define which qualifications are to be attained through the training course, and at what level of proficiency. The effectiveness of the training courses and the qualifications that have been gained from them, together with the related documents, are stored in the participant’s employee profile and are thus fully traceable. Upon request, the software automatically generates a certificate that you can customize to fit the particular training course.

Identify and Use Potentials

You will also be well prepared to take on future or unplanned challenges, such as shortfalls in human resources: Using the potential analysis, you can search specifically for employees with certain qualifications. Search criteria can be customized based on qualifications and levels of proficiency. You will instantly receive live feedback on whether any employees fit the current search criteria, and if so, how many. You can save the search query so that you can use it again at a later point in time.

Looks Good So Far?

Then take the opportunity and secure a non-binding presentation appointment! We would be happy to present the Qualifikation & Training Management and its functions to you in more detail!

Companies That Already Rely on Babtec

Companies from a wide range of industries rely on software solutions from Babtec – from medium-sized family businesses to international corporations. Read the success stories of selected customers in our case studies.


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Phone: +49 202 4960-0
E-mail: info@babtec.de

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