Our "Come Together 2023" Team Event

Over 170 Babtec team members explored the city of Wuppertal in a scavenger hunt with creative tasks as part of our "Come Together" event this year. The highlight of the event was that the points achieved together unlocked tree plantations for German reforestation projects.

From Near and Far

 Under green trees and white pavilions, the Babtec team listens to explanations about the Scavenger Hunt through Wuppertal.

This year, our annual team event was held under the motto "Explore Wuppertal and plant trees together". Since team members from our other locations throughout Germany, Austria, Spain and Switzerland also regularly travel to the event and our team has grown considerably in recent years, the focus this year was on getting to know Wuppertal, the location of Babtec's headquarters, as well as on the teambuilding aspect.


On Tour through Wuppertal

Two Babtec team members in front of the Elisenturm in the Wuppertal Botanical Garden.

Together with the agency "Scavenger Hunt" from Bielefeld, we designed a scavenger hunt for the "Come Together", in which the teams did not compete against each other, but worked towards a joint goal. On their route through Wuppertal, the teams were able to earn points through creative photo and video challenges. The route took them along the Nordbahntrasse and through the Botanical Garden as well as through Wuppertal's city center. Of course, the Historical City Hall and a ride on the famous suspension railroad were not to be missed. As an additional incentive, Babtec promised to plant 100 trees if a certain number of points was achieved in the scavenger hunt. Together, the teams far exceeded this number of points and thus won the tree donation. The trees will be planted in the Brombach area in the Taunus region, close to the software manufacturer's newest office in Frankfurt am Main.


Reaching the Goal with Teamwork

It was particularly important to our top management that the scavenger hunt should reflect the corporate culture we live by every day. The teams deliberately did not compete against each other, but all had to work together to achieve a good result. The tasks within the scavenger hunt were also aligned with Babtec's corporate culture and mission statement. The fact that knowledge sharing and cooperation between the various teams were also components of the event was particularly important to the head of our "People & Culture" team, Dagmar Henkel: "In our day-to-day work, we experience time and again that we work together most successfully when no walls are built around our own knowledge and skills. All the members of our team bring great skills with them. They should be able to use these in their work and also pass them on within the team." Due to the cross-team cooperation and the jointly achieved goal of 100 planted trees, the aspect of collective success was the focus of our team event.