Quality Breakfast: Opening of the Frankfurt Office

Having breakfast together, exchanging ideas about quality and opening a new location at the same time! All this happened this week at the first Quality Breakfast in our new office in Frankfurt am Main.

How it Began: Establishment of the Frankfurt am Main Office

Interior in the office

The rental contract for the office in the direct vicinity of Frankfurt Airport and the Frankfurt freeway intersection was signed back in February. In the months that followed, a great deal of work was carried out to transform the gray shell into a comfortable office with Babtec flair and, according to branch manager Marcel Gross, "the most beautiful branch office in the world".

Since September 1, 2023, the Frankfurt office has been fully furnished and is currently home to four Babtec team members. In addition to the branch manager, who has already had his say, the new location has been able to welcome a project consultant and a sales consultant. They are supported in setting up the office by an experienced colleague from project management, who has been part of the Babtec team since 1998.

By the way, our Frankfurt office is located in a new development area called Gateway Gardens with an exciting history: Until 2004, the area was a US Army base. When they left, a lively neighborhood was created with hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, office buildings – and all in a green setting. Thanks to its location right next to the airport and highway, our Frankfurt office is also particularly easy to reach. But, as Marcel Gross assures us: "The windows of the building are so well insulated that it is still nice and quiet in the office!

Quality Breakfast: Breakfast with Inspiration for More Quality

Breakfast buffet

For a new office, an opening ceremony is of course a must! At a Quality Breakfast, we had breakfast together, talked about quality and introduced the Frankfurt team. During the entertaining event, branch manager Marcel Gross was particularly keen to give customers and interested parties the opportunity to get to know the people behind the software, the Babtec team, and to take a look behind the scenes.

After all, the goal of the office is to become the central point of contact for quality in the region. This also includes promoting networking and the exchange of experience within the quality industry. The Quality Breakfast provided a suitable framework for this, accompanied by insights into what is currently state of the art in the field of quality. Thus, short impulse presentations dealt with the new module "Checklists" within the QM software BabtecQ, but also the browser-based frontend BabtecQ Go as well as the cloud platform BabtecQube were introduced to the guests. And since it was a breakfast event after all, a large buffet was of course not to be missed.

Marcel Gross, the branch manager, was clearly pleased, as was his motivation to really get going for the quality of our users: "For me, the Quality Breakfast was the official starting signal that Babtec is now bringing even more quality to the region.”

Outlook: Here's What's Next for the Frankfurt Office

Break room at the Frankfurt am Main office

The aspiration of the Frankfurt am Main office is no less than to become the central point of contact for the topic of quality in the region. The team wants to shine through "service excellence" and use the shorter distances to customers and prospects to make their work with Babtec software even more efficient and effective. Of course, a lot can be done remotely these days, but in order to provide the best service to the quality community, Marcel Gross is convinced that an on-site presence is still the way to go.

And the central location of the new office in Frankfurt is a big plus in this respect. The distances are not only short for regional Babtec users, but the Frankfurt office is also easy to reach for international customers thanks to its proximity to the airport and freeway. Thus, the best conditions have been created for the wish of the colleagues in Frankfurt that the new office becomes a place to gather.